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What is Maxi?

Maxi is an ERC20 (& PRC20) token that is fully backed by a large HEX stake.

What are the Perpetuals?

They're like Maxi, but a bit different.

Key differences:

  • Their lengths - they are all different lengths (10, 7, 3, 1 year HEX stakes)

  • Hedron earned is distributed to TEAM holders

  • 50% of the bigger pays better bonus is distributed to TEAM holders

  • When the stake ends, the principle + yield is automatically re-staked for you allowing you to hold the tokens for decades without selling if you wish (Maxi has a hard end date).

Why was Maxi created?

Maxi was initially created to ensure the long-term health of the HEX ecosystem on Ethereum.

Due to certain changes in gas costs on the chain as well as how the HEX smart contract calculates rewards at the end of the stake, the gas needed to end a stake can be very expensive.

So high in fact that sometimes the stake itself may not be worth ending.

The creation of Maxi solved this problem by introducing a stake pooling smart contract built on top of HEX that allowed users to experience a 99%+ gas fee saving on ending stakes.

What happened when MAXI launched? - tbc

How do I participate in a stake?

You simply buy the token for the length of stake you wish to join. Buy here.

What are the benefits of using Maxi?
  • Gas fee savings

  • Maximise stake bonuses

  • Fungible & transferable HEX stakes

  • Instant liquidity

  • Speculation on value

What happens when the stake ends? - tbc

What is the 'Reload Phase'? - tbc

This is a 1-2 week period of time after the stake finishes where you have the oppertunity to do 1 of 3 things:

1) Redeem your HEX principle + yield by giving up your pool tokens

2) Mint pool tokens at the new redemption rate by inputting HEX

3) Do nothing. If you already hold pool tokens they will be auto-restaked for you.

Note: This does not apply to Maxi, just the perpetual pool tokens.

What happens if I don't redeem during the Reload Phase?

Nothing bad happens. Your staked HEX principle + interest is re-staked and you will continue earning yield.

💡 Note: Just be aware that if you miss the Reload Phase, you will miss your chance to redeem your pool tokens for HEX. You may not be able to sell your tokens on the market for the price that you wish or if liquidity will be available to buy or sell. More info here.

What happens if I don't redeem during the Reload Phase?

Nothing bad happens. Your staked HEX principle + interest is re-staked and you will continue earning yield.

💡 Note: Just be aware that if you miss the Reload Phase, you will miss your chance to redeem your pool tokens for HEX. You may not be able to sell your tokens on the market for the price that you wish or if liquidity will be available to buy or sell. More info here.

What happened when MAXI & the Perpetuals launched? - tbc

Who pays for the end stake gas?

The end-stake function is a "public function", meaning it can be called by anyone.

If you are not the one that decides to run this function then you don't have to pay any of the gas for ending the stake.

One of the largest holders will likely pay the gas fee.

A voluntary donation contract may be set up at some point to help partially or fully reimburse that individual for their service.

Note: You will still have to pay a small transaction fee to claim all your rewards, but it should be considerably less than the fee to end the stake.

Where do I stake TEAM? - tbc

I can't find liquidity for the token I want

Liquidity for these tokens is provided by your peers on DEXs. There is no guarantee that there will be liquidity for you exactly when you want it.

Check here for the most liquidity when buying.

When does Maxi (or any other stake pool) end?

All dates here.

What are the mint & backing discount metrics?

These are explained more in the data quality section of the docs.

Why does a stake token very in price from HEX & it's stake backing so much?

Maximus stake pools have 2 prices:

i) Backing value ii) Market price The Backing Value of the stake tracks what you will receive when the stake ends. The Market Price reflects what you can sell the asset for based on current market conditions (liquidity, supply/demand, etc.)

Is the price fixed to the backing value?

No. The market price of the stake pool tokens may differ significantly from the underlying value of the HEX principle + yield in the stake until redemption.

Am I guaranteed to receive my HEX back when the stake ends?

Maximus stake pools are immutable smart contracts with no admin keys. This allows users to experience a trustless staking experience where the HEX they are guaranteed to receive the HEX they are entitled to at the end of the stake period.

Last updated